Eternal Gifts

How do you see the path of which is meant for you? How do you choose to keep your purpose within the proper perspective? How do you know what a proper perspective is? Are these things shaped by your life experiences or what you have been taught by family or are they innate? When do you set yourself upon this path?

Life gives us millions of questions that we are charged with discovering. Many we never answer but spend a lifetime looking for. Some answers come in the form of more questions. During all these moments of discovery those of us who are truly pulled towards something greater than we are making a conscious decision. We choose to explore deep introspective internal dialogue. Without careful attention, these conversations with self can be tainted by our visions of pain, fear, sadness or lack of love. These visions are created by an unchecked mind. Our minds can help us do mundane tasks but can, and often do, interfere with our most important moments of self-discovery. However, if we can step back from the thoughts that are not born from the soul, we can become deeply in tune with the voice that comes from the source. We can be fully capable of changing our negative feedback loop and then let it all go. Once we have removed that which does not serve us, we then can live in the moment. We can be alive and be living a conscious journey. We can explore the divine piece of who we are then flourishing. This growth will without a doubt, look different for each of us. This development and change presents itself in a variety of ways. The way it manifests itself is chosen by that which is far greater than we are. Without this manifestation of growth, we would not be unique and our human experience could not lead us to the answers in which we are meant to find. Shaping us out of the brilliant light that is bestowed upon us gives our human experience a special facet of pure purpose. This purpose lends us an overwhelming voracious thirst to set out on the path chosen for us to find the answers that help us define our existence. Not just this earthly human existence but our souls' existence. We are lent an unbridled passion for the pursuit of knowledge. Knowledge gives us the desire to keep searching for even more knowledge. You become the teacher and the student. We are the constant seekers of truth. The ability to learn allows us to navigate this human experience. Learning how you learn gives you the ability to absorb more and properly give knowledge. Sharing knowledge is the ultimate gift you can give self, source, and others. Would you truly be on the path of knowing, growth and divinity without sharing? That then leads us to the most imperative piece of the pilgrimage of the human experience. While you go through this life touching lives, learning, experiencing and discovering only two things are constant. Humans are the ultimate variable to all things and love will always be greater. In the end, we are divine beacons of love seeking out knowledge of all things with an innate desire to teach along the path that is set before us by the universe that allows us to create our own deeply passionate human experience. You are a direct reflection of all that is divine.

Soul Fruit


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