Majestically More

When walking through fire, become the flame. The spark within is fed by truth, faith and love. Each moment remaining in the present allows the opportunity to achieve the highest version of self. Believing that greatness lives inside. If not life will chew you up then spit you out. Keeping hope alive is undoubtedly one of the hardest parts of this experience. It's so easy to give in and let life run you, instead of you living it. Keeping the mind clear, safe and driven by a divine purpose will be the only way to protect the soul. I write this but please understand life has taught me. I am still here because I believe I have a testimony. You must experience the test to have a testimony. Moving forward in this life is possible when you feel pulled by patient potential. In this experience we have have to move with purpose. Taking steps that involve risk and becoming majestically vulnerable allow the stars to align. When you know better you do better. In order to know better you have to experience high highs and low lows. Good love starts with self love. Self love never ends with tragedy, only triumph. Self love begins with forgiveness alongside losing shame. Capture these moments because we are not promised anything more than the present moment we are living. Living in the present gives you life. No shackle could ever bind the soul besides the ones inflicted upon self. You alone have the power to create life or inflict death with all of the senses that we possess. Hunger for the best self will overflow into the highest quality of self. That will overflow into the cup of the individuals that surround you. That in turn promotes the well being of their souls. Soul food. Then it promotes ease, peace and resiliency. Feeling fulfilled is built with the foundation laid by life experience that is encompassed with grace and gratitude. This allows self to lay the bricks of gentle strength to weather any storm that may blow your way. The warmth in the heart will melt the snow. The soundness of heart guards you from the rain. The steadfastness of heart gives you strength to endure fall. The gratitude within the heart allows you not to burn in the summer. Remembering that you are worthy, wanted, loved and needed on the planet sets you free. A free heart, mind, body and soul destroys darkness. Then gives birth to the purest of all things. Love.
Love is always greater. Always and in all ways.

Fruit of self love sown with the seeds of freedom, life and light.


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