The Finest Fruit of All

The pressure never lets up

It just changes

Changes me

Change you can see

Parenting is the hardest job on the planet

Self love comes in as a tie

Soul tie

Running outta time

Can't change the past

It all comes rushing back

Flash back

Love them

Coulda done better

Tryin not to be bitter

Trying to be better

To be better to me

Then I can be better to them

For them

You can't give what you don't have

That's not an excuse

We have to grow

You have to seek truth

It's not given to you

Sometimes it finds you

In a lesson

Petal to the metal

Car slams into the brick wall

You're not oblivious

You just weren't curious

It's important to know where you lack

In order to change

In order to build

Then hopefully break the cycle

Breaking the cycle is the hardest part of it all

Let's be real


Broken black families.

Broken black homes.

If I would have known better

I would have done better

By the time I woke up

You don't see me

You ain't feeling me

It was too late


Writing with creativity

Trying to teach others better

To learn from the mistakes of generation's

Placed upon us

Not just by father's and mothers

Perils of being "free"

Thinking so much differently

Then people look at me crazy

Been trying to give this knowledge since I was in my 20's

We can only do what we can do

People are scared of change
I'm scared of not helping people change

I'm scared of not setting my sons up for success

When people see your life a mess

They assume you are the stress

They don't know you

Just the perception of you

"Freedom is the emancipation from the arbitrary rule of other men" (Mortimer Adler)

Time just keeps going

Are we destined to repeat it again?

In the winds of cages

Blows change

Did you clip your wings?

There's no escape

Unless it's within you

Is it fair

Is it equal

Is it just

Is it true

How do you know?

Where do you find the answers?

Are you asking these questions?

If you're not, why aren't you?

Perils of thinking differently

Now you look at me like I'm crazy


Do you?

What's the cure?

What's the one thing that will never be taken from me?

Do you see?

So who's crazy?

You or Me

Who is in control?

Control of you

Control of me

Did you clip your wings



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