Celestial Calibration

Sun sets upon the horizon beginning its diurnal dance, sensually caressing the oceans enticing curves. Endless waves kiss the shoreline. Just as love sometimes does, the ebb takes over whilst singing its apathetic aria of change. Ever shifting the balance of here and there. Near and far. Abstentions and intemperance. The kaleidoscope metamorphosis that gives birth to the balance between all pleasures and pains. Perpetually adjusting so as to give some equipoise to overwhelming precariousness. Vacillation of power and acquiescence. The sun exchanges places with the moon. Seasons give way to one another. Harmony. Serenity. Tranquility. The holy trinity. Exploration of deeply treasured divinity. As the ocean reaches for the sky, the sky reaches for the stars. Stretched from underneath all of my scars to see the forest for the trees. Seeing past the worlds duplicity. Greeting wisdoms lessons with veracity. Expanding an untamed elemental discerning gift of integrity. Beautiful wings burgoning and uplifted towards the heavens expanses. Attempting to attain the ultimate conciousness experience, always knowing a true queens rightful space. Challenged to overflow with boundless courage and grace. An intricate throne sculpted by love and divinity. The sun, moon, stars, land and sea form the composition that is me.

Preplexing Fruit Flexing


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