You will reap what you sow.

                You never escape destiny. You cannot out run the path that is yours alone to take. Life has a funny way of meeting you with all the twists and turns that you are supposed to encounter. Regardless if you plan accordingly or not. You try to take a short cut and all it does is smack you harder to drive the lesson home. If you don’t learn the lesson correctly the first go around then you inevitably have to learn it all over again until the proper outcome is achieved. Learning is the ultimate achievement in every aspect of our lives on this planet. The best teacher I've yet to encounter has been pain. This life has given me more than a fair share of those lessons. It’s almost like riding a horse. With no knowledge of the nature of the beast, your ass will end up on the ground. You have to find the motivation to climb back on until you and that horse find your connection. You and life must find a sweet spot of acceptance and gratitude.
     It can be a beautiful moment unless you fight it. By fight it I mean, in the direction that the universe sees to be unfit. The harder you fight it the longer it will be before you find the beauty. Even in moments of struggle, you can find beauty. It lays in your heart when you find yourself and the ability to survive. You never know pleasure unless you’ve experienced pain. Pain keeps you focused on becoming a better person. The issue with it is that it can consume you. You can’t let your temporary experiences change the foundation of who you are. You can't let it stop you from being the person you need or want to be. Pain can push you into a prison that you create for yourself. You build walls up and then no one can come in and you cannot get out.
    Life has taught me the only thing the matters is love. We all take the people around us for granted. When pain throws us for a loop it's so important to take a step back and believe in ourselves. The love that is within us as well as the love others give us shines so brilliantly during our darkest of hours. That love may come with conditions but most of the time those conditions are warranted. If you value yourself and love yourself then you make these changes willingly. No one is perfect but love is worth it.
          Ultimately, love is greater. No argument should come in between you and the ones you love. Time invested will never be lost to waste. It's either a lesson or a blessing. I spent many years of my life loving the wrong people. Investing time into people who never valued me or knew my worth. They doubted me, manipulated me and hurt me. For years I blocked my heart off to everyone around me and all it did was change me. It changed me to the core. I became angry, mean and solitary. I started to hide my emotions in drugs, booze, stripping and flat out sweeping them underneath the carpet. It was so unhealthy that it started to affect the close relationships I did have.
          Don’t get me wrong, I'm still learning myself and how to change it. Being vulnerable is the hardest thing I have ever done. I am not good at it. I'm learning and that is the most important thing about all of this. Trying to learn from the journey while becoming the best version of yourself.

The Fruit of the journey takes many forms. 


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